Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Places and Faces

Today I am feeling pretty self-indulgent, so for today's post please enjoy several pictures of my face in various locations across the United Kingdom.

(P.s. contrary to what your eyes may make you believe, I am not actually wearing the same outfit in all of these pictures. At least I hope I wasn't. They were taken over 3 different days, and that would just be embarrassing.)

Here I am demonstrating how warriors would defend Windsor Castle back in the days of bow and arrows (aka channeling my inner Katniss)

Defending Caephilldy Castle!


More Caephilldy Castle, perhaps?

Look how straight I am compared to this crooked house? Pretty straight, indeed!

Givin' my sexy pose at a Roman amphitheater.

My throne.

Trapped pt. 2: Extreme Zoom. In theaters near you November 22nd. 

This is my favorite picture of Lauren ever.

My friends are prettier than your friends

Standing on a wall of a castle. Typical Saturday afternoon.

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