Friday, October 26, 2012

South Bank Excursion

Today was one of my favorite CEA Program excursions thus far: the London Eye! I was a little nervous to go on it because I'm terrified of heights, but it really wasn't that bad. It's not as shaky as the ferris wheel on Navy Pier (the Eye isn't shaky at all actually) and the view was amazing! Most of my pictures from inside our little pod didn't show up well, so enjoy the ones I managed to take!

This is from Westminster Bridge.

(Super pale and that coat makes me look fat)

After our ride we went on a pub crawl/short tour of the South Bank area. The history is really interesting and there is a lot more to do than I originally thought. There is a book market along the river that you can bet I will be at next weekend.

Pretty lights in the trees

The Millennium Bridge. Most famous for its scenes in the Harry Potter movies. Damn those death eaters!

Oh, look who it is!

We walked by The Globe! One of my top "to-dos" while I'm in London is see a play here.

A cool directiony thing that tells you where different cities are.

The entrance. 

This is a little tribute to the River Thames as it was hundreds of years ago. The river used to be about a third wider and flowed much slower, so it would freeze in the winter. People would skate on it and they even put an elephant on it who, sadly, fell through the ice and died :(

This is a part of the actual wall that the Romans built around Londinium back in the early 200's. 

A pirate ship!

I forgot whose pirate ship this is, but its really cool and you can pay to go on it during the day.

Along the way we stopped at three pubs which were a welcomed break from the bone-chilling cold wind that attacked us from the river. Cassandra our program manager person bought us a few drinks. I actually drank one of them which was a strawberry-lime flavored cider. It was quite tasty. All of my friends should be shocked that I actually enjoyed an alcoholic beverage.

Thus concludes our romp down the South Bank. I will definitely be going back there during the day time someday soon. It seems to be a very artsy place that I would enjoy. 

Tomorrow brings a trip to Chinatown and Sunday we are off to meet the mothership at Stonehenge! 


1 comment:

  1. You and this are perfect.

    Ps: please bring that cider back.

    xoxo gg
